[文献書誌] Hirooka,K.: "The deformation of the Japanese汝Islands during the Neogene inferred from paleomagnetic studies." Proceedings of VーCPNSーIGCP286,"Pacific Neogene:Environment,Evolution and Events",Tokyo Univ.Press.
[文献書誌] Tsuchi,R.: "Pacific Neogene climatic optimum and accelerated biotic evolution in time and space." Proceedings of VーCPNSーIGCP286,"Pacific Neogene:Environment,Evolution and Events",Tokyo Univ.Press.
[文献書誌] Koizumi,I.: "Biostratigraphy and paleoceanography of the Japan Sea based on diatom." Proceedings of VーCPNSーIGCP286,"Pacific Neogene:Environment,Evolution and Events",Tokyo Univ.Press.
[文献書誌] Nishimura S.: "Tectonic approach on changes in surfaceーwater circulation between the tropical Pacific and the Indian Ocean." Proceedings of VーCPNSーIGCP286,"Pacific Neogene:Environment,Evolution and Events",Tokyo Univ.Press.
[文献書誌] Itoigawa,J.: "Spatial and temporal distributions of Neogene marine molluscs and their bioserial changes in Japan." Proceedings of VーCPNSーIGCP286,"Pacific Neogene:Environment,Evolution and Events",Tokyo Univ.Press.
[文献書誌] Ibaraki,M.: "Coastal upwelling off Peru:its initial stage and planktonic foraminifera." Proceedings of VーCPNSーIGCP286,"Pacific Neogene:Environment,Evolution and Events",Tokyo Univ.Press.