[文献書誌] Kawakami,N.,Araki,S.,Haratani,T.,Hemmi,T.: "Relations of work stress to alcohol use and drinking problems in male and female employees of a computer factory in Japan" Environmental Research.
[文献書誌] Ezoe,S.,Araki,S.,Ono,Y.,Kawakami,N.,Murata,K.: "Work stress in Japanese computer workers effects of computer work or bioeducational factors?" Environmental Research.
[文献書誌] Uchida,E.,Araki,S.,Murata,K.: "Socloeconomic factors affecting marriage,divorce and birth rates in Japanese population." Journal of Biosocial Science.
[文献書誌] Uchida,E.,Araki,S.,Murata,K.: "Socioeconomic factors affecting first marriage and birth rates by sex and age in the total Japanese population." Journal of Human Ergology.
[文献書誌] Imanaka,Y.,Araki,S.,Nobumoto,K.: "Effects of patient health beliefs and satisfacion on compliance with medication regimens in ambulatory care of general hospitals." Japanese Journal of Hygiene.
[文献書誌] Araki,S.,Tamigawa,T.,Ishizu,S.,Minato,N.: "Decrease of CD4 positive T lymphocytes in workers exposed to benzidine and Betanaphthy laminc." Archieves of Environmental Health(in press).
[文献書誌] Araki,S.,Murata,K.,Uchida,E.: "Radial and median nerve conduction velocities in workers exposed to lead,copper and zinc:a follow-up study for two years." Environmental Research.
[文献書誌] Murata,K.,Araki,S.,Yokoyama,K.,Uchida,E.,Fujimura,Y.: "Assessment of central,peripheral and autonomic nervous system functions in lead workers:neuroele ctrophysiological studies." Environmental Research.
[文献書誌] Sata,F.,Araki,S.,Murata,K.,Uchida,E.: "Are faster of slower learge myelinated nerve fibers more sensitive to chronic lead exposure?:a study of the distribution of conduction velocities." Environmental Research.
[文献書誌] Fujimura,Y.,Araki,S.,Murata,K.,Yokoyama,K.,Handa,S.: "Assessment of the distripution of nerve conduction velocities in alcoholics." Envirohmental Research.
[文献書誌] Araki,S.,Yokoyama,K.,Murata,K.: "Assessment of the effects of occupational and environmental factors on ail faster and slower large myelinated nerve fibers:a study of the distribution of nerve conduction velocities." Environmental Research.
[文献書誌] Araki,S.,Murata,K.,Yokoyama,K.: "Assessment of central peripheral and autonomic nervous system functions in vibrating tool operators:neuroelectrophysiological studies." Environmental Research.
[文献書誌] Kawakami,N.,Haratani,T.,Araki,S.: "Effects of perceived job stress on depressive symptoms in blue-collar workers of an electrical factory in Japan." Scandinavian Journal of Work,Environment & Health. 18. 195-200 (1992)
[文献書誌] Kawakami,N.,Haratani,T.,Hemmi,T.,Araki,S.: "Prevalence and demographic correlates of alcohol-related problems in Japanese employees." Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 27. 198-202 (1992)
[文献書誌] Uchida,E.,Araki,S.,Murata,K.: "Socioeconomic factors affecting the longevity of the Japanese population:a study for 1980 and 1985." Journal of Biosocial Science. 24. 497-504 (1992)
[文献書誌] 赤林 朗,横山 和仁,荒記 俊一,島田 恭子: "POMS(感情プロフィール検査)日本語版の臨床応用の検討" 心身医学. 31. 577-582 (1991)
[文献書誌] Yokoyama,K.,Araki,S.,Murata,K.: "Effects of low level styrene exposure on psychological performance in FRP boat laminating workers." Neurotoxicology. 13. 551-556 (1992)
[文献書誌] Murata,K.,Araki,S.,Tanigawa,T.,Uchida,E.: "Acute effects of alcohol on cognitive function and central nervous system assessed by auditory eventrelated potentials." Japanese Journal of Hygiene. 47. 958-964 (1992)
[文献書誌] Yokoyama,K.,Araki,S.: "Assessment of slow axonal Transport in lead-exposed rats." Environmental Research. 59. 440-446 (1992)
[文献書誌] Ezoe,S.,Araki,S.,Ono,Y.,Kawakami,N.,Murata,K.: "Assessment of personality traits and psychi atric symptoms in workers in a computer manufacturing in Japan." American Journal of Industrial Medicine.
[文献書誌] 森田 陽子,坂井 公,荒記 俊一: "血中δ-アミノレブリン酸(ALA-B)とδ-アミノレブリン酸 脱水酵素(ALA-D)活性" ポルフィリン誌. 1. 135-140 (1992)
[文献書誌] 加藤 尚彦,赤林 朗,横山 和仁,荒記 俊一: "鉛ニューロパチーの脊髄におけるエネルギー代謝特性" 神経化学. 31. 582-583 (1992)
[文献書誌] 鈴木 研一,大山 武,後藤 由夫,松本 雅博,豊田 隆謙,横山 和仁,荒記 俊一: "糖尿病神経障害の神経伝導速度分布(DCV)のコンピューター測定による解析" 糖尿病. 35. 893-898 (1992)
[文献書誌] 森田 陽子,坂井 公,荒記 俊一,高木 高明,増山 善明: "血中δ-アミノレブリン酸(ALA-B)の鉛曝露指標としての有効性" 産業医学.
[文献書誌] Murata,K.,Araki,S.,Maeda,K.: "Autonomic and peripheral nervous system dysfunction in workers exposed to hand-arm Vibration:a study of R-R interval variability and distribution of nerve conduction velocities." International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. 63. 205-211 (1991)
[文献書誌] Murata,K.,Araki,S.,Yokohama,K.Maeda,K.: "Autonomic and peripheral nervous system dysfunction in workers exposed to mixed organic solvents." International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. 63. 335-340 (1991)
[文献書誌] Muraoka,K.,Araki,S.: "Autonomic nervous system dysfunction in workers exposed to lead,zinc,and copper in relation to peripheral nerve conduction:a study of R-R interval variability." American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 20. 663-671 (1991)
[文献書誌] Murata,K.,Araki,S.,Yokoyama,K.: "Assessment of the peripheral,central,and autonomic nervous system function in styrene workers." American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 20. 775-784 (1991)
[文献書誌] Murata,K.,Landrigan,P.J.,Araki,S.: "Effects of age,heart rate,qender,tobacco and alcohol ingestion on R-R interval variability in human ECG." Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System. 37. 199-206 (1992)
[文献書誌] Araki,S.,Murata,K.,Yokoyama,K.,Uchida,E.: "Auditory event-related potential(p300)in relation to peripheral nerve conduction in workers exposed to lead,zinc,and copper:effects of lead on cognitive function and central nervous system." American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 21. 539-547 (1992)
[文献書誌] 川上 憲人,原谷 隆史: "企業従業員におけるライフスタイルと抑うつ症状:1年間の追跡調査 森本兼襄(編):ライフスタイルと健康" 医学書院,東京, 188-196 (1991)
[文献書誌] Tanigawa,T.,Araki,S.,Morimoto,K.,Yokoyama,K.: "Effects of physical exercise on natural killer cell activity in healthy men in relation to life-style.Araki S.(Ed):Behavioral Medicine:An Integrated Biobehaviarol Approach to Health and Illness." Elsevier,Amsterdam,Netherlands, 79-84 (1992)
[文献書誌] Kawakami,N.,Araki,S.,Haratani,T.: "Assessment of indicators of work stree affecting psychosomatic and behavioral health.Araki,S.(Ed):behavioral Medicine:An Integrated Biobehavioral Approach to Health and Illness." Elsevier,Amsterdam,Netherlands, 165-172 (1992)
[文献書誌] Ezoe,S.,Araki,S.,Ono,Y.,Kawakami,N.,Murata,K.: "Psychiadric Symptoms,Work Stress and Pernonality traits in Japanese Computer Workers:A Comparative Study of The effects ofage,Schodl Career and Computer Work.Araki,S.(Ed):Behavioral Medicine:An Integrated Biobehavioral Approach to Health and Illness." Elsevier,Amsterdam,Netherlands, 181-188 (1992)
[文献書誌] Nomura,S.,Akabayashi,H.,Kuboki,T.,Suematsu,H.,Yokoyama,K.,Araki,S.: "Development,Validation and application of a new questiounaire (Stress Checklist:SCL-86)for Stress manage-ment in occupational heqlth.Araki,S.(Ed):Behaviorol Medlclne:An Integrated Biobehavioral Approach to Health and Illness." Elsevler,Amsterdam,Netherlands, 195-203 (1992)
[文献書誌] Araki,S.(Ed): "Behavioral Medicine:An Integrated Biobehavioral Approach to Health and Illness" Elsevier,Amsterdam,Netherland, 1-382 (1992)
[文献書誌] 荒記 俊一,宋 朝忠: "鉛中毒 森田寛,宮本昭正(編):内科治療のポイント" 日本医事新報社,東京, 860 (1991)