[文献書誌] K.Hamaguchi: "Formal Design Verification of Sequontial Machines Based on Symbolic Model Checking for Branching Time Regular Temporal Logic" IEICE Trams.Fundamentals of Electronics,Communicntions and Computer Sciences. E75-A. 1220-1229 (1992)
[文献書誌] K.Hamaguchi: "∞ Regular Temporal Logic and Its Model Checking Problem" Theoretical Computer Science. 103. 191-204 (1992)
[文献書誌] K.Hamaguchi: "Design Verification of Asynchrovous Sequential Circuits Using Sympolic Model Checking" Proc.International Symposium on Logic Synthesis and Microprocessor Architecture. 84-90 (1992)
[文献書誌] K.Hamaguchi: "Design Verification of a Microprocessor Using Branching Time Regular Temporal Logic" Proc. 4th Workshop on Compnter-Aided Verification. 201-212 (1992)
[文献書誌] K.Hamaguchi: "Formal Verification of Sequential Circuits Based on Symbolic Model Checking for Branching Time Rogular Temporal Logec" Proc.Synthesis and Simulation Meeling and International Intercharge. 243-252 (1992)
[文献書誌] K.Kawakubo: "Formal Verification of Fail-safeness of a Comparator for Rodundant System Using Rogular Temporal Logic" Proc.1st Asian Test Symposium. 2-7 (1992)