[文献書誌] Hashimoto,K.,Noguchi,M.and Nakatsuji,N.: "Mousu offspring derived from fetal ovaries or reggregates which were cultured and transplanted into adult females." Dev.Growth Differ.
[文献書誌] Noguchi,M.and Kobayashi,T.: "The deficiency of primordial germ cells(PGCs)caused by ter gene in ter congenic mouse embryos." Zool.Sci.(abstract). 8. 1068 (1991)
[文献書誌] Noguchi,M.and Kato,C.: "Spermatogenesis and teratocarcinogensis in mouse fetal testes reconstituted by hanging drop culture and transplantation." Proceedings the 24th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists.75 (1991)
[文献書誌] Noguchi,M.and Terauchi,H.: "In vitro reconstitution of mouse fetal ovaries combining dissociationーreaggregation method and organ culture." Zool.Sci.(abstract). 8. 1067 (1991)
[文献書誌] Noguchi,M.,Sakurai,T.,Kobayashi,T.,Watanabe,C.,Kato,H.and Moriwaki,K.: "The mutant gene ter causes cell deficiency,not accompanied by testicular teratocaricinogenesis,in ter congenic mice."
[文献書誌] Noguchi,M and Kobayashi,T.: "The ter mutation causes the deficiency of primordial germ cells in ter congenic mice."
[文献書誌] Noguchi,M.,Kawase,E.,Kato,C.and Niwa,K.: "Germ cell differentiation and teratocarcinogenesis in mouse fetal gonads reconstituted by hanging drop culture and transplantation."
[文献書誌] Noguchi,M.and Terauchi,H.: "In vitro reconstitution of mouse fetal ovaries combining dissociationーreaggregation method and organ cultute."