[文献書誌] Kotaro Oqura: "Visible-light-assisted Decomposition of <HO>___2 and Photo Methanation of CO_2 over CeO_2-Tio_2 Catalyst." J.Photochem.Photobiol.,. 66. 91-97 (1992)
[文献書誌] Kotaro Oqura: "Photo-assisted Catalytic Reduction of CO_2 with preadsorbed Ammonia on Silica-supported Iron" J.Mol.Catal.,. 73. 225-235 (1992)
[文献書誌] Kotaro Oqura: "Dark Catalytic Reduction of CO_2 over Photo-pretreated Nio/ksqr Catalyst" J.Mol.Catal.,. 72. 173-179 (1992)
[文献書誌] Kotaro Oqura: "Complete Photodecomposition of CFC-113,CHCl_3 and CCl_4 and Scavenging of Generated Reactive Species." Environ.Technol.,. 13. 81-88 (1992)
[文献書誌] Kotaro Oqura: "Electrocatalytic Generation of C_2 and C_3 Compounds from CO_2 on a Cobalt Complex-immobilized Dual-film Electrode." J.Chem.Soc.,Chem.Commun.,. 1993. 20-21 (1993)
[文献書誌] Kotaro Oqura: "Effect of Temperature on Photoassisted Reduction of CO_2 vith Preadsorbed Ammonia on Silica-supported Irom." J.Mol.Catal.,. 79. 47-54 (1993)
[文献書誌] 小倉 興太郎: "無機化学演習" 丸善株式会社,