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[文献書誌] Masayoshi Shibatani: "Voice" The encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. 4938-4943 (1994)
[文献書誌] Masayoshi Shibatani: "Honorifics" The encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. 1600-1608 (1994)
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[文献書誌] Masayoshi Shibatani: "Applicatives and benefactives (印刷中)" Grammatical constructions.
[文献書誌] Masayoshi Shibatani: "Japanese benefactive constructions (印刷中)" Essays in honor of Susumu Kuno.
[文献書誌] Masayoshi Shibatani: "A.A.Xolodovich an Japanese Passives (印刷中)" Voice and ergativity.
[文献書誌] Masayoshi Shibatani: "Approaches to Languagetypology (印刷中)" Approaches to Languagetypology.
[文献書誌] Masayoshi Shibatani Zhaus Qin,Lu Tai: "Chinese benefactive constructions (印刷中)" Essays in honor of William S,-Y,Wang.
[文献書誌] Masayoshi Shibatani: "Benefactive constructions (印刷中)" Japanese/Korean Linguistics.
[文献書誌] Masayoshi Shibatani: "Extra-thematic Licensing and semantic augmentatia (印刷中)" Proceedings of the 20th BLS.
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[文献書誌] 大島稔: "Ethno-linguistic Positions of Eskimo-Aleut,Chukchi and Ainu in the Karth Pacific Rim" 北方諸民族芸能祭実行委員会編『北方諸民族芸能祭報告』. 109-114 (1992)
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[文献書誌] 平野尊識: "Subjectivity/objectivity in Japanese and the Factuality Hierachy" 文学会志. 44. 136-142 (1993)
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[文献書誌] Masayoshi Shibatani Theodora Bynon: "Approaches to Language Typology" Oxford University Press (印刷中),
[文献書誌] Masayoshi Shibatani Sandra Thompson: "Grammatical Constractions" Oxford University Press (印刷中),
[文献書誌] Masayoshi Shibatani Sandra Thompson: "Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics" John Benjamins (印刷中),
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