[文献書誌] 橋本 秀紀: "人工現実感とロボットー知能化作業支援システムの提案ー" 日本ロボット学会誌. Vl.10No.7. 903-908 (1992)
[文献書誌] 橋本 秀紀,Martin Buss: "知能化作業支援システム" 生産研究(東大・生研). Vol.44,No.12. 8-15 (1992)
[文献書誌] H.Hashimoto,Martin Buss: "Skill Acquisition for the Intelligent Assisting System Using Virtual Reality Simulator" The 2nd International Conference on Artificial Reality and TeleーExistance. 37-46 (1992)
[文献書誌] H.Hashimoto,Martin Buss: "Analysis and Synthesis of Human Skill for Intelligent Assisting System" IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication. 177-182 (1992)
[文献書誌] 橋本 秀紀,Martin Buss: "知能化作業支援システム(IAS)に於けるセンサグローブの開発" 計測自動制御学会学術講演会予稿集. 733-734 (1992)
[文献書誌] Martin Buss,Hideki Hashimoto: "Human Manipulative Skill Analysis and Acquisition for the Intelligent Assisting System" 12th IFAC World Congress. (1993)