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[文献書誌] KARAKI,H.,SUDJARWO,S.A.,HORI,M.,TAKAI,M.,URADE,Y.& OKADA,T.: "Induction of endothelium-dependent relaxation in the rat aorta by IRL 1620,a novel and selective agonist at the endothelin ETB receptor." Br.J.Pharmacol.109. 486-490 (1993)
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[文献書誌] KITAJIMA,S.,OZAKI,H.& KARAKI,H.: "The effects of ATP and αβ-methylene-ATP on cytosolic Ca^<2+> level and force in isolated rat aorta." Br.J.Pharmacol.110. 263-268 (1993)
[文献書誌] KWON,S.C.,OZAKI,H.,HORI,M.& KARAKI,H.: "Isoproterenol changes the relationship between cytosolic Ca^<2+> and contraction in guinea pig taenia caecum." Jpn.J.Pharmacol.61. 57-64 (1993)
[文献書誌] MITSUI,M.,ABE,A.,TAJIMI,M.& KARAKI,H.: "Leakage of a fluorescent Ca^<2+> indicator,fura^<-2>,in smooth muscle." Jpn.J.Pharmacol.61. 165-170 (1993)
[文献書誌] MITSUI,M.& KARAKI,H.: "Contractile and relaxant effects of phorbol ester in the intestinal smooth muscle of guinea-pig taenia caeci." Br.J.Pharmacol.109. 229-233 (1993)
[文献書誌] OZAKI,H.,GERTHOFFER,W.T.,HORI,M.,KARAKI,H.,SANDERS,K.M.& PUBLICOVER,N.G.: "Ca^<2+> regulation of the contractile apparatus in canine gastric smooth muscle." J.Physiol.460. 33-50 (1993)
[文献書誌] SUDJARWO,S.A.,HORI,M.,TAKAI,M.,URADE,Y.,OKADA,T.& KARAKI,H.: "A novel subtype of endothelin B receptor mediating contraction in swine pulmarary vein." Life Sci.53. 431-437 (1993)
[文献書誌] TAKIZAWA,S.,HORI,M.,OZAKI,H.& KARAKI,H.: "Effects of isoquinoline derivatives,HA1077 and H-7,on cytosolic Ca^<2+> level and contraction in vascular smooth muscle." Eur.J.Pharmacol.250. 431-437 (1993)