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[文献書誌] S.I.AIHARA: "Maximum Likelihood Estimate for Discontinuous Parameter in Stochastic IIyperbolic Systems" Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. 35. 131-151 (1994)
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[文献書誌] S.I.AIHARA: "Identification of Discontinuous Parameter in Stochastic IIyperbolic Systems," Proc.of SYSID '94. 1. 203-208 (1994)
[文献書誌] S.I.AIHARA: "Adaptive Boubdary Control for Stochastic Parabolic Systems with Unknown Potential Coefficient," Proc.of 33rd CDC. 4. 3432-3437 (1994)
[文献書誌] 相原 伸一: "未知ポテンシャル係数をもつ確率的熱拡散方程式の境界適応制御" 計測自動制御学会論文集. 31(掲載決定). (1995)