[文献書誌] Terano,T.,Muro,Z.: "On-the-Fly Knowledge Base Refinement by a Classifier System." AI Communications. 7. 86-97 (1994)
[文献書誌] Terano,T.: "The JIPDEC Checklist-Based Guideline for Expert System Evaluation." International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 9. 893-925 (1994)
[文献書誌] Kusunoki,F.,Ono,S.,Cho,D.,Terano,T.: "Toward a Machine Learning Model for Distributed Knowledge Systems." Proc.2nd Singapore International Conference on Intelligent Systems(SPICIS'94). B292-B297 (1994)
[文献書誌] Terano,T.: "Machine Learning Approaches towards Creative Concept Development for Advanced Decision Aids." Workshop for Cooperation between Japan and the United Kingdom on SOFT Science and Technology. 24-27 (1994)
[文献書誌] Terano,T.: "Learning from Problem Solving and Communication: A Computational Model for Distributed Knowledge Systems." Proc. FGCS'94,Workshop on Heterogeneous Cooperative Knowledge Bases. 153-164 (1994)
[文献書誌] Terano,T.Yoshinaga,K.: "Analyzing Long-Chain Rules Extracted from a Learning Classifier System." Proc. Fuzz-IEEE/IFES'95. (to Appear,March,1995). (1995)
[文献書誌] 寺野隆雄: "情報処理学会(編):コンパクト・エンサイクロペディア情報処理(分担執筆;第8章エキスパートシステム).pp.286-307" オーム社, 551 (1994)
[文献書誌] 寺野隆雄: "ファジィ・ニューロ・AIシステムハンドブック5編7章,知識システム構築方法論.pp.408-428,(分担執筆)" オーム社, 1391 (1994)