[文献書誌] 坪根 斉: "フイルム製造の生産日程計画意思決定支援システム" 経営システム誌. 2. 46-53 (1993)
[文献書誌] 坪根 斉: "Comparison between centraized and decentraized system in push-type production ordering" European Journal of Operational Research. 70. 199-211 (1993)
[文献書誌] 坪根 斉: "Production Scheduling System in the Film Manufacturing Industr" OMEGA. 21. 205-214 (1993)
[文献書誌] 坪根 斉: "Setting Planned LEadtime in Capacity Requirements Planning" Journal of Operational Research Society. 44. 809-816 (1993)
[文献書誌] 坪根 斉: "部品の共通化と工程の共通化が製造のパフォーマンスに与える効果" 日本経営工学会誌. 45(掲載予定). (1994)
[文献書誌] 坪根 斉: "Decision Support System for Production Planning" International Journal of Decision Support Systems. (to be appeared).
[文献書誌] 坪根 斉: "International Journal of Production Research" Effect of component part commanality and process flexibility on Manufacturing performance(to be appeared),