[文献書誌] 大内辰郎: "Design of poly(alpha‐malic acid)‐antitumor drug‐saccharide conjugate exhibiting cell‐specific antitumor activities" ACSSymposium Series. 520. 382-394 (1993)
[文献書誌] 大内辰郎: "Release behavior of 5‐fluorouracil from chitosan‐gel microspheres immobilizing 5‐fluorouracil derivative coated with polysaccharides and their cell specific recognition" J.Microencap.10. 1-9 (1993)
[文献書誌] 大内辰郎: "Design of D‐glucose analogue of MDP/CM‐curdlan conjugate and its immunological enhancement activity" Carbohydr.Polym.20. 43-49 (1993)
[文献書誌] 大内辰郎: "Synthesis of a MDP analogue/chitin conjugate that stimulates cultured macrophages" J.Bioact.Compat.Polym.8. 351-364 (1993)
[文献書誌] 大内辰郎: "Syntheris of poly〔glycolic acid)‐alt‐(L‐aspastic acid)〕and its biodegradable behavior in vitro" Makromol.Chem.,Rapid Commun.14. 825-831 (1993)
[文献書誌] 大内辰郎: "Immuological enhancement activity of muramyl dipeptide analogue/CM‐curdlan conjugate" Carbohydr.Polym.23. 47-54 (1994)
[文献書誌] 大内辰郎: "New Functionality Materials,Volume B,Synthesis and Function Control of Biofunctionality Materials" T.Tsuruta,M.Doyama,M.Seno and Y.Imanishi,Elsevier Science Publishers(文筆), 398 (1993)