[文献書誌] A.Inoue: "Hard Magnetic Bulk Amorphous Nd-Fe-Al Alloys of 12 mm in Diameter Made by Suction Casting" Materials Transactions, JIM. 37, No.4. 636-640 (1996)
[文献書誌] A.Inoue: "Multicomponent Co-based Amorphous Alloys with Wide Supercooled Liquid Region" Materials Transactions, JIM. 37, No.6. 1332-1336 (1996)
[文献書誌] A.Inoue: "Viscous Flow Deformation in Supercooled Liquid State of Bulk Amorphous Zr_<55>Al_<10>Ni_5Cu_<30> Alloy" Materials Transactions, JIM. 37, No.6. 1337-1341 (1996)
[文献書誌] A.Inoue: "Soft Magnetic Properties and Wide Supercooled Liquid Region of Fe-P-B-Si Base Amorphous Alloys" Materials Transactions, JIM. 37, No.11. 1715-1721 (1996)
[文献書誌] A.Inoue: "Soft Magmetic Properties of Bulk Fe-Based Amorphous Alloys Prepared by Copper Mold Casting" IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 32, No.5. 4866-4871 (1996)
[文献書誌] A.Inoue: "Impact Fracture Energy of Bulk Amorphous Zr_<55>Al_<10>Cu_<30>Ni_5 Alloy" Materials Transactions, JIM. 37, No.11. 1726-1729 (1996)