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[文献書誌] 黒田勉、渡辺富夫: "色彩データベースに基づく唇の形状抽出法" 第10回ヒューマン・インタフェース・シンポジウム論文集. 10. 349-354 (1994)
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[文献書誌] T.Watanabe,B.M.Lester and C.F.Z.Boukydis: "Mothers'Perceptions and Feelings About Their Infant's Cry Relate to Home Environment and Developmental Outcome" 9th International Conference on Infant Studies. 193 (1994)
[文献書誌] Tomio Watanabe et al.: "Early Differences in Maternal Perception of Infant Crying Predict Organization of the Home Enviroment and Developmental Outcome" 13th Biennial Meeting of ISSBD. 160 (1994)