[文献書誌] Y.Kitagawa,Y.Sano,M.Ueda,K.Higashio,H.Narita,M.Okano,R.Sasaki: "N.Glycosylation of erglhropoiefin is critical for its secretion from apioldomain of Marcon-Dorby conine didnng cells" Experinenral Cell Reseorch. 23. 449-457 (1994)
[文献書誌] H.Kudo,K.Hiroyoshi,Y.Kitagawa,S.Imamura,K.Negota: "Two collagen-binding proteins,ostecnection and HSP47,are coordinately induced in transformed keratinocytes by neat and orlher stress" Experimental Cell Research. 212. 2116-2117 (1994)
[文献書誌] M.Ono and Y.Kitagawa: "Dextron sulfate accolerates adipose conversion of 3T3.L1 cells" Bioscience,Biotechnology and Biochemistry. 58. 934-935 (1994)
[文献書誌] H.Feon,T.Niimi,y.Tanigawa,K.Miki and Y.Kitagawa: "Rogu reted expression of an esteoractin voriants in borine aortic endotheltol cells." Bioscience,Biotechnology and Biochemistry. 58. 1889-1891 (1994)
[文献書誌] M.Ujito,T.Shinomura,K.Ito,Y.Kitagawa,K.Kimoto: "Expression and binding activity of the carboxy-terminal protion of the core protein of PG-M,A large chondroitin Sulfate proteoglycan" Journal of Bolognal Chemistry. 269. 27602-27609 (1994)
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[文献書誌] T.Kobayashi,Y.Kitagawa and K Okumura: "Animal Cell Technology:Basic and Applied Aspects Vol.6" Kluwer Academic Publishers, 615 (1994)
[文献書誌] Y.Kitagawa & R.Sasaki: "Advonce in Biochemistry and Biology of Cells Vol.3,Signal Transduction throught Growth Factor Recetors" JAI Press Inc., 248 (1994)