[文献書誌] 広瀬啓吉: "Detection of syntactic boundaries by partial analysis-by-synthesis of fundamental frequency contours" Proc.IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,Speech,& Signal Processing. 2. 809-812 (1996)
[文献書誌] 広瀬啓吉: "音声対話システムの出力音声の韻律的特徴の合成" 人工知能学会全国大会論文集. 399-402 (1996)
[文献書誌] 広瀬啓吉: "Synthesizing dialogue speech of Japanese based on quantitative analysis of prosodic features" Proc.International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. 1. 378-381 (1996)
[文献書誌] 桜井淳宏: "Detection of phrase boundaries in Japanese by low-pass filtering of fundamental frequency contours" Proc.Inetrnational Conference on Spoken Language Processing. 2. 817-820 (1996)
[文献書誌] 張勁松: "Adaptive recognition method based on posterior use of distribution pattern of output probabilities" Proc.Inetrnational Conference on Spoken Language Processing. 2. 1129-1132 (1996)
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[文献書誌] 江輝: "A robust speech recognition method based on Bayes classification approach" 日本音響学会秋季研究発表会講演論文集. I. 149-150 (1996)
[文献書誌] 広瀬啓吉: "Use of prosodic features in speech recognition(Invited)" Proc.IEEE Invited Workshop on Pattern Recognition for Multimedia Techniques(IEEE Taegu Section). 99-108 (1996)
[文献書誌] 広瀬啓吉: "Posterior use of prosodic features to aid speech recognition(Invited )" Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 100・4(Pt.2). 2849- (1996)
[文献書誌] 広瀬啓吉: "対話音声と朗読音声の韻律的特徴の比較" 電子情報通信学会論文誌. J79-DII・12. 2154-2162 (1996)
[文献書誌] 岩野公司: "HMMによる韻律パターン表現の一手法" 日本音響学会秋季研究発表会講演論文集. I(発表予定). (1997)
[文献書誌] 江輝: "Robust speech recognition based on Viterbi Bayesian predictive classification" Proc.IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,Speech,& Signal Processing. (発表予定). (1997)
[文献書誌] 広瀬啓吉: "Disambiguating recognition results by prosodic features(Computing Prosody)" Springer-Verlag, 16 (1997)