[文献書誌] Bai,J.,Tsuta,T.Fujikubo,M.Taga,K.: "Analysis of Muscles Forces in Driver Joints under Car Collision" 2nd Intern.Symp.on Computer Methods in Biomechanics Bc Bio.Eng.,21-24,Sepi.1994.UK. (1994)
[文献書誌] Bai,J.,Tsuta,T.: "Dynamic Modeling of Human Body and Identification of Joint Parameters" Third World Cogress on Computational Mechanics,Aug,Chiba,Japan. (1994)
[文献書誌] Bai,J.,Tsuta,T.: "Analysis and Experiments on Energy Absorption Characterictes of Crash Member and their Compesite Durng skew Car Collision" The Fifth Intem.Symp on Plasticity and Its Current Applications,17-21,Judy,1995,Osaka. (1995)
[文献書誌] Bai,J.,Tsuta,T.: "Large Motion Response Analysis of Multi Body Dynamics by Using Updated Lagrangian Method" 1995.ASME/JSME PVP Conf.,Hawaii,. (1995)