[文献書誌] Koshima Isao: "Scarpa's adipofascial flap for repair of wide scalp defects." Ann.Plast.Surg.36(1). 88-92 (1996)
[文献書誌] Koshima Isao: "Ultrastructural observation of lymphatic vessels in lymphedema in human extremities." Plast.Reconstr.Surg.97(2). 397-405 (1996)
[文献書誌] 光嶋勲: "遊離組織移植による指・手皮膚欠損の被覆" 形成外科. 39(3). 289-296 (1996)
[文献書誌] Koshima Isao: "Free vascularized deep peroneal nerve grafts." J.Reconstr.Microsurg.12(3). 131-141 (1996)
[文献書誌] 光嶋勲: "膝関節部の皮弁の実際(特集:四肢における皮弁の実際)" 整形・災害外科. 39(5). 535-544 (1996)
[文献書誌] 光嶋勲: "血管柄付き遊離爪移植による爪再建。特集:爪の疾患・外傷による爪変形の治療" Monthly Book Orthopaedics. 9(9). 53-59 (1996)
[文献書誌] 光嶋勲: "リンパ浮腫の治療,特集:一般・消化器外科医のための形成外科手術手技の要点" 手術. 50(10). 1715-1723 (1996)
[文献書誌] 光嶋勲: "Perforator-based flap(穿通動脈皮弁),-より犠牲の少ない皮弁を求めて-" 形成外科. 39(10). 981-992 (1996)
[文献書誌] Koshima Isao: "Free medial thigh perforator-based flaps : new definition of the pedicle vessels and versatile application." Ann.Plast.Surg.37(5). 507-515 (1996)
[文献書誌] Koshima Isao: "Three-dimensional reconstruction for complex facial defects following cancer ablation." J.Reconstr.Microsurg.(in press).
[文献書誌] Koshima Isao: "A full-thickness chondrocutaneous flap from the auricular concha for repair of tracheal defect." Plast.Reconstr.Surg.(in press).
[文献書誌] Koshima Isao: "A double muscle transfer using a divided rectus femoris muscle for facial paralysis reconstruction." J.Reconstr.Microsurg.(in press).
[文献書誌] 光嶋勲: "形成外科ADVANCEシリーズ,マイクロサージャリー最近の進歩" 克誠堂, 40-49 (1996)
[文献書誌] Koshima Isao: "Donald Serafin's Atlas of Microsurgical Composite Tissue Transplantation" W.B.Saunders Company, 430-432 (1996)