[文献書誌] Suzuki, Chizuko, J.Keaten-Reed, & K.Nozaki: "Increasing Opportunities for Interaction and Facilitating Learner Autonomy by the Use of the Internet" The JACET Kyushu-Okinawa Chapter Annual Review of English Learning & Teaching. No.2. 37-51 (1997)
[文献書誌] 野崎 剛一: "すべての学生にインターネット環境を" 長崎大学総合情報処理センター センターレポート. No.15. 38-42 (1997)
[文献書誌] Suzuki, Chizuko, J.Keaten-Reed, Masatomo Oji, et.al.: "Internet Use and the Development of Communicative Competence in Japanese EFL Learners" Journal of Junshin Women's Junior College. No.35. 117-124 (1998)
[文献書誌] 野崎 剛一、鈴木 千鶴子: "インターネット利用による全学教育「総合英語」実践研究報告" 長崎大学総合情報処理センター センターレポート. No.16. 33-45 (1998)
[文献書誌] Suzuki, Chizuko, J.Keaten-Reed, K.Nozaki, et.al.: "Assessment of Internet Functions as Tools for EFL in Japan" Proceedings of FLEAT III(Foreign Language Education and Technology). 369-371 (1998)
[文献書誌] Suzuki, Chizuko, et.al.: "Networked vs.Non-networked EFL Classes of University in Japan(accepted Feb.1998)" Abstracts of International Conference of New Technologies and ELT'98. (1998)
[文献書誌] Suzuki, Chizuko, J.Keaten-Reed, J.Cook, F.Noji, et.al.: "A Study of Developmental Process of EFL Learners'Discourse Competence Through the Internet Communication Practice(accepted Jan.1998)" Abstracts of the 6th International Pragmatics Conference,Reims. (1998)
[文献書誌] 野崎 剛一: "コンピュータとネットワーク(改訂版)" 長崎大学総合情報処理センター, 180 (1998)