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[文献書誌] K. Ito: "Plastic deformation of MoSi2 and WSi2 single crystals and directionally solidified MoSi2-based alloys" Intermetallics. 4. (1996)
[文献書誌] K. Ito: "Microstructure and mechanical properties of MoSi2 single crystals and directionally solidified MoSi2-based alloys" Proceedings of Int. Conf. “Perspectives in Materials Science" Dec. 18-20, 1995, Bangalore, India, The Indian Inst. of Metals. (1996)
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[文献書誌] K. Ito: "Slip on (013) 331 in MoSi2 single crystals" in preparation.
[文献書誌] K. Ito: "Stacking faults on (001) in transition metal di-silicides with the Cllb structure" in preparation.
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[文献書誌] M. Yamaguchi: "Physical Metallurgy and Processing of Intermetallic Compounds Chapter 1 Defect structures" Edited by N. S. Stoloff and V. K. Sikka, Chapman and Hall, 684 (1996)