[文献書誌] Schmid,V.,Aeschbach,B.,Agata,K.,Kosaka j.,Reber-Muler,S.,Sprenger,N.and Eguchi.G.: "Cell adhesion to extracellular matrix is different in marine hydrozoans compared with vertebrates" Roux's Arch Dey.Biol.204. 465-476 (1995)
[文献書誌] Kageura,H.,Eguchi,G.and Yamana,K.: "The origin and development of retimal pigment cells and melanophores analyzed by Xenopus black-white chimeras" Develop.Growth Differ.37. 156-166 (1995)
[文献書誌] Sawada,K.,Agata,K.,Eguchi,G.,Quinlan,R.and Maisel,H.: "The predicted structure of chick lens CP49 and a variant thereof CP49ins,the first vertebrate cytoplasmic intermediate filament protein with a laminin-like insertion in helix 1B" Cirremt Eue Res.14. 543-553 (1995)
[文献書誌] Ono,T.,Muto,S.,Matsumoto,T.,Mochii,M.and Eguchi,G.: "Gene transfer into circulating primodial germ cells of quail embryos" Exp.Anim.44(4). 275-278 (1995)
[文献書誌] Ando,H.,Kodama,R.,Tomoda,Y.and Eguchi,G.: "Transforming growth factor-b1 induced morphological changes accompanied by extracellular matrix reconstitution in cultures of avian retinal pigmented epithelial cells" Japanese Journal of Opthalmology. 39. 1-11 (1995)
[文献書誌] Eguchi,G.: "Introduction : Transdifferentiation" Seminar in Cell Biology. 6. 105-108 (1995)
[文献書誌] Kodama,R.and Eguchi,G.: "From lens regeneration in te newt to in vitro transdfiferentiation of vertebrate pigmented epithelial cells" Seminar in Cell Biology. 6. 143-149 (1995)