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[文献書誌] H.Ohyama et al.,: "Effect of radiation source on the degradation in irradiated Si_<1-X> Ge_X epitaxial devices" Phys.Stat.sol.a.155. 147-155 (1996)
[文献書誌] H.Ohyama et al.,: "Degradation and recovery of Si_<1-X> Ge_X devices after proton irradiation" Proceedings of Material Research Society 1996 Spring Meeting. 112 (1996)
[文献書誌] H.Ohyama et al.,: "Proton Irradiation Effects on the Performance of Si_<1-X> Ge_X Devices" Phys.Stat.Sol.a.158. 325-332 (1996)
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[文献書誌] H.Ohyama et al.,: "Degradation and Recovery of Proton Irradiated Si_<1-X> Ge_X Epitaxial Devices" IEEE Trans.on Nucl.Sci.43.6. 3089-3096 (1996)