[文献書誌] Arai,M.: "Numerical Study of Water Impact Loads on Catamarans with Asymmetric Hulls" Proc. of Third Int. Conf. on Fast Sea Transportation, FAST'95. 221-232 (1995)
[文献書誌] Arai,M.: "A Study on Slamming Characteristics and Optimization of Bow Forms of Ships" The 6th Int. Symp. on Practical Design of Ships and Mobile Units, PRADS'95. Vol.1. 672-683 (1995)
[文献書誌] Cheng,L.Y.: "Liquid Sloshing in a Cbic and a Cylindrical Tank" The 9th Technical Exchange and Advisory Meeting, TEAM-HIROSHIMA'95. 249-262 (1995)
[文献書誌] Arai,M.: "Hydrodynamic Impact Loads on Horizontal Members of Offshore Structures." The 14th Int. Conf. on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering,OMAE'95. Vol.1-A. 199-206 (1995)
[文献書誌] Arai,M.: "A Computing Method for the Analysis of Water Impact of Arbitrary Shaped Bodies (2nd Report)-Application for the Optimization of Horizontal Members of Offshore Structures-," 日本造船学会論文集. 第177号. 91-99 (1995)