[文献書誌] Upali Ananda Kumara: "Transnational Corporations and Foreign Direct Investment in the ASEAN Region: Some Recent Developments" Impacts of Transnational Corporations on Regional Development in the ASEAN Region. 15. 21-118 (1995)
[文献書誌] Upali Ananda Kumara, K. M. Rahman & Josefina. M. Ramos: "Organizational Behaviour of Transnational Corporations and Impacts on Regional Development in the ASEAN Region: A Synthesis" Impacts of Transnational Corporations on Regional Developments in the ASEAN Region. 15. 119-160 (1995)
[文献書誌] Upal Ananda Kumara: "Learning From ASEAN Experience: Some Operational Guidelines For Enhancing Mutual Benefits Through TNC Activities" Impacts of Transnational Corporations on Regional Development in the ASEAN Region. 15. 161-178 (1995)
[文献書誌] Slamet Sudarmadji & Upali Ananda Kumara: "Transnational Corporations in the Agro-Based Industries Sector: Indonesia" Impacts of Transnatinal Corporations on Regional Development in the ASEAN Region. 15. 253-280 (1995)
[文献書誌] Upali Ananda Kumara, Slamet Sudarmadji & Ahmad Jamli: "Enhancing Economic and Industrial Develpment in Yogyakarta" Regional Development Planning and Management Techniques: Sectoral and Areal Planning Techniques. 14. 1-31 (1995)
[文献書誌] Upali Ananda Kumara & Josefina M. Ramos (Editors): "Organizational Behaviour of Transnational Corporations and Industrialization for Balanced Local and Regional Development in Selected Asian Countries" UNITED NATIONS CENTRE FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT NAGOYA, 137 (1995)