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[文献書誌] 柳澤文孝・酒井均: "地下水と流紋岩質ガラスの反応" 東北地域災害科学研究. 33(印刷中). (1997)
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[文献書誌] Yanagisawa,F.and Ueda,A.: "Sulfur isotope ratios of sulfate in wet deposits in Japan" Proc.3rd International Conference on Snow Engineering. (in press). (1997)
[文献書誌] Yanagisawa,F.and Yano,K.: "Chemical composition of snow and rime at Mt.Zao.Yamagata Prefecture,Japan" Proc.3rd International Conference on Snow Engineering. (in press). (1997)
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[文献書誌] Yanagisawa,F.,Obinata,Y.Sasaki,M.and Ueda,A.: "Sulfate ion in atmospheric deposition in Japan. (1)Sulfur isotope ratio of sulfate in wet deposition in Japan" Proc.Int.Cong.Acid Snow and Rain. (in press). (1997)
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[文献書誌] Yanagisawa,F.and Yano,K.: "Sulfate ion in atmospheric deposition in Japan. (3)Chemical characteristics of rime and snow at My Zao,Japan" Proc.Int.Cong.Acid Snow and Rain. (in press). (1997)