[文献書誌] Kenji Kaneko and Takanobu Oyamada: "Effect of Prestrain and Strain-Rate on Viscoplastic properties and on Strain Ageing of Metals(Basic Concept and Experimental Investigation on Strain Rate Dependency of Plastic Flow Curve of Steel)" Proceeding of the Conference on Dynamic Plasticity and Structural Behaviors. p617-620 (1995)
[文献書誌] Kenji Kaneko and Takanobu Oyamada: "Effect of Prestrain and Strain Rate on Viscoplastic Properties and on Strain Ageing of Metala(Experimental and Theoretical Investigation on Viscoplastic Properties Including Stress Relaxation of Steel)" Proceeding of The 1995 Joint ASME/JSME Presure Vessels and Pipig Conference. Vol.306. 311-316 (1995)
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[文献書誌] 小山田隆信、金子堅司: "金属材料の粘塑性特性とひずみ時効に及ぼす予加工と変形速度の影響、第四報、99.98%純銅に対する単軸応力下での引張り負荷に対する検討" 日本機械学会論文集、A編. (掲載決定) (1996)
[文献書誌] Takashi Ariyama and Kenji Kaneko: "A Constitutive Theory for Polypropylene in Cyclic Deformation Behavior" Polym. Eng. Sci.Vol.35. 1461-1467 (1995)
[文献書誌] Kenji Kaneko: "A Plastic Constitutive Model for Anisotropic Hardening Metals" Å@European. J. Mech., A/Solids. Vol.14-5. 679-696 (1995)