[文献書誌] IKEGAMI,Masako: ""US-Japan Cooperation in Military R&D:Its Background and Implications for the Regional Security",paper presented at the International Workshop," International Workshop:Japan's Foreign and Security Polcies in Transition Swedishi Institute of International Affairs,Stockholm,1-2 December 1995. (1995)
[文献書誌] IKEGAMI,Masako: ""Multinationalization of Military R&D:Latent obstacles to Disarmanment",paper presented at the 45th Pugwash Conference,Working Group 3" The 45th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs:Toward a Nuclear-Weapon Free World,23-29 July 1995,Hiroshima(abstract published in London). (1995)
[文献書誌] IKEGAMI,Masako: ""Military R&D Cooperation beween Japan and the US"" Internationella Studier Swedish Instiute of International Affairs. Spring 1995,. 66-81 (1995)
[文献書誌] 池上雅子: "『安全保障の社会学-新しい安全保障装置を求めて-』400字詰原稿653枚" 東京大学社会学研究科博士論文 東京大学総合図書館・国会図書館所蔵, (1995)
[文献書誌] IKEGAMI,Masako(共著): ""Ch.1:Defence Procurement in Japan",in R.Pal Singh(ed.)Defence Procurement Decision-Making(forthcoming)" SIPRI:Oxford University Press(1996年秋刊行予定), (1996)