[文献書誌] 長崎幸夫: "Rubber elasticity transition of poly(silamine) induced by ionic interactions" Macromolecular Rapid Communications. 17(1). 51-58 (1995)
[文献書誌] 長崎幸夫: "A novel reactive polymeric micelles polymeric micelle with aldehyde groups on its surface" Macromolecules. 28(21). 7295-7297 (1995)
[文献書誌] 長崎幸夫: "Lithium bis(trimethylsily) amide induced anionic polymerization of methyl methacrylate" Polymer Journal,Note. 27(9). 959-962 (1995)
[文献書誌] 長崎幸夫: "Primary amino-ended heterobifunctional poly(ethylene oxide)-Facile synthes is of poly(ethylene oxide) with a primary amino group at one end and a hydroxyl group at the other end-" Bioconjugate Chemistry,Technical Note. 6(6). 702-704 (1995)
[文献書誌] 長崎幸夫: "Synthesis of organosilicon-containing maromonomers through an anionic polyaddition reactions" Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics. 196(3). 513-519 (1995)
[文献書誌] 長崎幸夫: "Formyl-ended heterobifunctional poly(ethylene oxide)-A synthesis of poly(ethylene oxide) with a formyl group at one end and a hydroxyl group at the other end-" Bioconjugate Chemistry,Technical Note. 6(2). 231-233 (1995)
[文献書誌] 長崎幸夫: "A novel synthesis of silicon-containing polymers and their properties as electron beam resisit" The Royal Society of Chemistry, 44-50 (1995)