[文献書誌] Tasaku Tsunoda: "Reciprocal-reflexive constructions of Djaru" Typology of Reciprocal Constructions, ed. by Vladimir P. Nedjalkov. Muenchen : Lincome Europa. Forthcoming. (予定).
[文献書誌] Tasaku Tsunoda: "Reciprocal constructions in Warrungu" Typology of Reciprocal Constructions, ed. by Vladimir Nedjalkov. Muenchen : Lincome Europa. Forthcoming. (予定).
[文献書誌] Tasaku Tsunoda: "Applicative constructions in Warrungu of Australia" (Title to be announced), ed. by Anna Siewierska and Jae Jugn Song. Amsterdam : John Benjamins. (予定).
[文献書誌] Tasaku Tsunoda: "Expression of possession in Warrungu of Australia" Tooru Yahasi & Peri Bhaskararao (eds. ), Studies in possessive expressions ICLAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. 11-115 (1997)
[文献書誌] Tasaku Tsunoda: "A text in the Wanyjirra language : 76/11-2 ′Stock work′" Tasaku Tsunoda (ed.), Fieldwork reports on minority languages. 299-314 (1998)
[文献書誌] 福井 玲: "「全南光陽市方言のアクセント体系とその地理的分布について」" 『国語学』韓国国語学会編. 31(予定).
[文献書誌] 松村 一登、A.ククリン(共著): "マリ語基本語辞典" 東京大学東洋言語研究室(予定), 250 (1998)