[文献書誌] A.Hosaka and H.Toki: "Chiral bag model for the nuclear" Physics Report. 277. 65-188 (1996)
[文献書誌] H.Ichie,H.Suganuma,H.Toki: "Multi-flux-fube system in the dual Ginzburg Landau theory" Physical Review. D54. 3382-3388 (1996)
[文献書誌] K.Suzuki,H.Toki: "Heavy quarkonium in the dual Ginzburg-Landau theory of QCD" Journal of Modern Physics. A11. 2677-2688 (1996)
[文献書誌] S.Sasaki,H.Sugamuma,H.Toki: "Role of dual Higgs mechanism in chiral phase transition at finite temp." Physics Letters. B387. 145-150 (1996)
[文献書誌] H.Ejiri and H.Toki: "Nuclear Matrix elements for two neutrino double beta decay" Journal of Physical Society of Japan. 65. 7-10 (1996)
[文献書誌] Y.Fujita et al: "Isospin decomposition of the Gaunow-Teller strength in ^<58>Cu-" Physics Letters. B365. 29-34 (1996)
[文献書誌] H.Toki,T.Kishimoto,M.Fujiwara: "Nuclear Physics Frontiers with Electro-Magnetic Probes" World Scientific, 395 (1996)
[文献書誌] H.Toki: "World Congress of Physical Societies" The Physiicl Society of Japan, 383 (1996)