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[文献書誌] 鬼木 甫: "情報経済学入門" 鬼木甫・西村和雄・山崎昭編『情報経済学入門』(富士通ブックス). 3-94 (1997)
[文献書誌] 鬼木 甫: "「インターネットと『創始者特権』の政治経済学」" 大阪学院大学通信. 第28巻第9号. 31-41 (1997)
[文献書誌] Hajime Oniki: "″Why did Japanese producers perform very well in manufacturing automobiles and electronic appliances during the 1970s and 1980s,but did quite poorly in providing PC and other IT services in the 1990s?″" Paper presented at the Second International Academic Symposium at Dongseo University,December 5,1997.19 (1997)
[文献書誌] Hajime Oniki: "″Strategies of Telecom Common Carriers for Expanding Globalization:A Comparative Study of the USA,the European Union,and Japan:The Japanese Case″" Paper presented at the International Conference on Global Telecommunication Companies:Competition and National Policies,East-West Center,Honolulu,U.S.A.,January 7-8,1998.37+appendix, (63.)+figures (1998)
[文献書誌] 鬼木甫(西村和雄・山崎昭と共編): "情報経済学入門" 富士通ブックス, v+264 (1997年