[文献書誌] 中村裕一 ほか3名: "潤滑油の音速および弾性定数の周波数分散評価" トライボロジー会議予稿集. 216-218 (1997)
[文献書誌] 川手克之 ほか3名: "Internal Pressure Distribution in Compressible Gasket by Bridgman Anvil" Abstracts of Int.Conf.on High Pressure Science and Technology (Joint Conf.:AIRAPT-16 & HPCJ-38). 1. 4 (1997)
[文献書誌] 中島猛 ほか3名: "Computer Simulation of Plastic Deformation in High Pressure Apparatus" Abstracts of Int.Conf.on High Pressure Science and Technology (Joint Conf.:AIRAPT-16 & HPCJ-38). 1. 272 (1997)
[文献書誌] 中村裕一: "潤滑油の粘弾性物性" トライボロジスト. 43,4. (1998)
[文献書誌] 中村裕一 ほか2名: "Evaluation of Viscosity and Phase Transition on Mineral Oils up to 1.9 GPa and 150°C by DAC" The Review of High Pressure science and Technology Proceeding of Joint AIRAPT-16 & HPCJ-38. (掲載予定). (1998)
[文献書誌] 中村裕一 ほか2名: "Evaluation of Viscosity for Synthetic Traction Oils by DAC and Traction Characteristics" Proc.Int.Sympo.on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties on New Engg.Materials. (掲載予定). (1998)