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[文献書誌] Y.Maekawa,N.S.Chang A.Miyazaki,and T.Kojima: "Increase and decrease in depolarization of Ka-bomol Satellite beacon signal in thanderstorm ebents" 1996 IEEE AP-S International Symposium Digest. 3. 1876-1879 (1996)
[文献書誌] Y.Maekawa,N.S.Chang A.Miyazaki and T.Kojima: "Obsernation of depolarization due to vain andice using the Ka-band satellite beacon signal in Japan" XXVth General Assengdy of LIRSI,Abetract. 315-315 (1996)
[文献書誌] Y.Maekawa,N.S.Chang A.Miyazaki and T.Kojima: "Characteristic rapid chenges in depotanization of Ka-band satellite gignal in thimderstorm events" Proc. of ISAP96. 2. 577-580 (1996)