[文献書誌] H.Zha,H.Nagahama,T.Hasegawa: "Strategies for Changing Configurations of Autonomous Arms in a Complex Pusing Task" Proc.Third Int.Symp.Artificial Life Robotics. 674-677 (1998)
[文献書誌] K.Morooka,H.Zha,T.Hasegawa: "Active Object Modeling Based on Next Best Viewpoint(NBV) Planning" Proc.14th lnt.Conf.Pattern Recognition. 6778-681 (1998)
[文献書誌] H.Zha,H.Nagahama,T.Hasegawa: "Distributed Multi-Arm Systems for Complex Pushing Tasks" Proc.IEEE Int.Conf.Systems,Man,and Cybemetics. 3359-3364 (1998)
[文献書誌] N.Okada,H.Zha,T.Hasegawa,etc.: "A Vision System for a Reliable and Fast Parts Picking System" Proc.4th Japan-France and 2nd Asia-Europe Congress on Mechatronics. 634-637 (1998)
[文献書誌] K.Tanaka,H.Zha,T.Hasegawa: "Planning Observation Positions for a Mobile Robot to Update Incomplete Maps of indoor Environments" Proc.1998 IEEE/RSJ Int.Conf.Intelligent Robots and Systems. 899-904 (1998)