[文献書誌] Watanabe,N.,K.Matsui and Y.Furuta: "Uniformity of α-amylase isozymes of Aegilops cylindrica introduced into North America : Comparison with ancestral Eurasian accessions." Proc.2nd Internatl.Triticeae Symp.215-220 (1996)
[文献書誌] Watanabe,N.: "Photosynthetic adaptation to sun and shade environments in Oryza officinalis and Oryza eichingeri." Photoinhibition,Photoprotection and Crop Productivity. 117-120 (1996)
[文献書誌] Watanabe,N.,Y.Yotani and Y.Furuta: "The inheritance and chromosomal location of a gene for long glume in durum wheat." Euphytica. 90. 235-239 (1996)
[文献書誌] Watanabe,N.: "Long glume : its inheritance and agronomic effects." Proc.8th Assembly of Wheat Breed.Soc.Australia (P). 134-136 (1996)
[文献書誌] Watanabe,N.: "Progress in the production of near-isogenic lines of durum wheat." Ann.Wheat Newslett. [On line] gopher : //probe.nalusda.gov : 7002/OR437850-438784-/AWN/. Ann Wheat Newsletter 42/AWN42. 42. (1996)
[文献書誌] Watanabe,N.: "Diversity of chlorophyll a/b ration in durum wheat and its utilization for practical breeding." 5th International Wheat Conference,Ankara,Turley. 343-344 (1996)