[文献書誌] 長澤倫康,横山順一: "Are nontopological strings produced at the electroweak phase transition?" Physical Review Letters. 77. 2166-2169 (1996)
[文献書誌] 長澤倫康,横山順一: "On the Jeans instability during the QCD phase transition" Progress of Theoretical Physics. 97. 173-178 (1997)
[文献書誌] 横山順一,山口昌英: "Numerical analysis of a weakly first-ordor phase transition" Proc.18th Texas Symposium. (印刷中). (1997)
[文献書誌] 横山順一: "Formation of MACHO-PBH in inflationary cosmology" Astronomy and Astrophysics. (印刷中). (1997)
[文献書誌] 瀬戸直樹,横山順一 他: "Nonlinear evolution of the genuus Statistics with Zeldovich approx" Astrophysical Journal Supplement. (印刷中). (1997)
[文献書誌] 横山順一 他: "大学院 宇宙物理" 講談社(印刷中), (1997)