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[文献書誌] K.Hikami: "Integrability of a Hubbard-like Model : lattice analogue of the S-function interacting gas" Physics Letters A. 221. 109-114 (1996)
[文献書誌] Y.Komori: "Nonlinear Schrodinger model with boudary. Intogrability and scatterinS matrix based on the dogenerate affine Hecke algebra" International Journal of Modern Physics A. (発表予定).
[文献書誌] K.Hikami: "Notes on operatorvalued solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation and the reflection equation" Modern Physics Letters A. 11. 2861-2870 (1996)
[文献書誌] K.Hikami: "Separation of uariables for quantum open Toda lattice" Journal of Physical Society of Japan. 65. 1213-1221 (1996)
[文献書誌] K.Hikami: "Classical r-natrix structure for generalized Gadin magnet" Physics Letters A. 217. 285-288 (1996)