[文献書誌] 岩井善太他3名: "Design of Multivariable PID Controllers on Freguency Domain based on Partial Model Hatching(発表予定)" Proc.of 14th World Congress IFAC. (1999)
[文献書誌] M.Deng,岩井善太: "Model Output Following Control based on CGT Approach for MIMO Processes with Unmedelled Dynamics(発表予定)" Proc.of 14th World Congress IFAC. (1999)
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[文献書誌] M.Deng,岩井善太,S.L.シャー: "Model Output Following Control based on CGT for Plants with Time Delay" International Jaurnal of Systems Sciences. 30-1. 69-75 (1999)
[文献書誌] 水本郁朗,岩井善太,S.L.シャー: "周波数領域での多入出力PIDコントローラ調整とそのスタンクプロセス系の適用" 第41回自動制御連合講演会講演論文集. 1. 119-122 (1998)
[文献書誌] 岩井 善太 他2名: "制御工学" 朝倉書店, 180 (1999)