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[文献書誌] N. Nakano, A. Negishi, K. Hayashi & Y. Umakoshi: "Ordering Process of Al_5Ti_3, h-Al_2Ti and r-Al_2Ti with f.c.c. -based Long-Period Superstructures in Rapidly Solidified Al-rich TiAl Alloys"Acta Mater.,. 47〔4〕. 1091-1104 (1999)
[文献書誌] Y. Umakoshi, T. Nakano & K. Ashida: "High-Temperature Deformation in Ti-62.5at.%Al Single Crystals Containing Small Al_2Ti-Type Precipitates"Mater. Science Forum. 233-234. 163-168 (1999)
[文献書誌] T. Nakano. K. Hagihara, T. Seno, N. Sumida, M. Yamamoto & Y. Umakoshi: "Stress Anomaly in Al-rich TiAl Single Crystals Deformed by the Motion of 1/2(110) Ordinary Dislocations"Phil. Mag. Lett.. 78〔5〕. 385-391 (1998)
[文献書誌] Y. Umakoshi, H. Y. Hasuda, T. Nakano & K. Ikeda: "Effect of Deformation Temperature on Fatigue and Fracture Behaviour in TiAl PST Crystals"Met. Mater. Trans. A. 29〔3〕. 943-950 (1998)