[文献書誌] B.R.Kishore, Y.Kameda,T.Nanya: "A mixed-signal approach for on-line testing of asynchronous circuits-a case study" Proc.3rd IEEE International On-line Testing Workshop. 91-95 (1997)
[文献書誌] Akihiro Takamura, Takashi Nanya 他: "TITAC-2:A 32-bit Asynchronous Microprocessor based on Scalable-Delay-Insensitive Model" Proc.ICCD'97. 288-294 (1997)
[文献書誌] M.Sahni and T.Nanya: "On the CSC property of signal transition graph specifications for asynchronous circuit design(Best Paper Award)" Proc.ASP-DAC. 183-189 (1998)
[文献書誌] A.Takamura, T.Nanya 他: "TITAC-2:An asynchronous 32-bit microprocessor(Outstanding Design Award)" Proc.ASP-DAC. 319-320 (1998)
[文献書誌] Y.Kameda, T.Nanya 他: "Primitive-level pipelining method on delay-insensitive model for RSFQ pulse-driven logic" to appear at ASYNC-98. (1998)
[文献書誌] 南谷 崇: "非同期式マイクロプロセッサの動向" 情報処理. Vol.39,No.3. (1998)