[文献書誌] T.Shibata and K.Kaneko: "Tongue-Like Bifurcation Structures of the Mean-Field Dynamics in a Network of Chaotic Elements" Physica D. 124. 163-186 (1998)
[文献書誌] K.Kaneko: "On the Strength of Attractors in a High-dimensional System : Milnor Attractor Network, Robust Global Attraction. and Noise-induced Selection" Physica D.124. 308-330 (1998)
[文献書誌] T.Shibata and K.Kaneko: "Collective Chaos" Phys.Rev.Lett.81. 4116-4119 (1998)
[文献書誌] A.Saito and K.Kaneko: "Geometry of Undecidable Systems" Prog.Theor.Phys.99. 885-890 (1998)
[文献書誌] K.Fujimoto and K.Kaneko: "Noise Induced Boundary Dependence through Convective Instability" Physica D. (in press).
[文献書誌] K.Kaneko: "Life as Complex Systems : Viewpoint from Intra-Inter Dynamics" Complexity. 3. 53-60 (1998)
[文献書誌] T.Yamamoto and K.Kaneko: "Tile Automaton : a model for an architecutre of a living system" Artificial Life in press.
[文献書誌] 金子邦彦、池上高志: "複雑系の進化的シナリオ--生命の発展様式--" 朝倉書店, 316 (1998)