[文献書誌] 富村寿夫: "新型式ガス-ガス熱交換器の多孔性媒体による効果的断熱法" 日本機械学会北陸信越支部第35期総会・講演会. Vol.1. 53-54 (1998)
[文献書誌] 富村寿夫: "自己断熱型ガス-ガス熱交換器の伝熱特性に関する実験的研究" 日本機械学会九州支部第51期総会・講演会. Vol.1. 276-278 (1998)
[文献書誌] 富村寿夫: "自己断熱型ガス-ガス熱交換器の伝熱特性に及ぼす主要パラメータの影響" 第35回日本伝熱シンポジウム. Vol.2. 471-472 (1998)
[文献書誌] Toshio Tomimura: "Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Self-insulated Gas-to-gas Heat Exchanger" Proceedings of the 11^<th> International Heat Transfer Conference, Kyongju, Korea. Vol.6. 323-328 (1998)
[文献書誌] Toshio Tomimura: "Analytical and Experimental Studies on Heat Transfer in Self-insulated Gas-to-gas Heat Exchanger" The 5^<th> ASMS/JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, San Diego, California, U.S.A.発表予定. (1999)
[文献書誌] Toshio Tomimura: "Improvement of a New Type of Gas-to-gas Heat Exchanger Efficiency and Effctive Thermal Insulation by a Porous Medium" Proceedings of the 2^<th> Trabzon International Energy and Environment Symposium, Trabzon, Thrkey. 出版予定. (1999)