[文献書誌] T.Ibuki, A.T.Hama, X-T Wang G.D.Pappas and J.Sagen: "Loss of GABA-Immuncredctivity in the Spinal dorsal horn of rats with peripheral herve injury and promotion of recovery by adrenal medullary gkafts." Nearoscirence. 76(3). 845-858 (1997)
[文献書誌] T. Ibuki, S.A.Dunbar and T.L.Yaksh: "Effect of Transient Naloxone Antogonism on Tolerance Development in Rats Receiving Continuous Spinal Morphine Infusion" Pain. 125-132 (1997)
[文献書誌] T.Ibuki, A.T.Hama, G.D.Pappas and J.Sagen: "Spinal GABA ergic neurons involved in the process of rcuropathy and therapentic effects of adrenal medullary transplantation" Proc Soc Neurosc. 1533 (1997)
[文献書誌] T.Ibuki, M.Marsala and T.L.Yaksh: "Spinal amino acid release and anfinociceptive folerance in Spinal norphine folerant rats : Effect of repeated daily with drawal" submission.
[文献書誌] M.Marsala, T.Ibuki, K.H.Thamandas and T.L.Yaksh: "Spinal amino acid and prostaglandin E2 release affer with drawal in rats infused with spinal morphine" submission.
[文献書誌] Wang,X.-T., Unnerstall, J., Ibuki, T.Wang, H., Pappas G.D and Saspen,J.: "Can porisons between tyrosine hydroxylase and preproenkephalin mRNA in rat adrenal medullary explants in vitroand in CNS fransplants" Submission.
[文献書誌] T.Ibuki and Y.Tanaka: "Changes of GABA ergic and glycinergic inhibitory neuronal system following nerve injury" Proc Sec Neurosci 2. 1392 (1998)
[文献書誌] T.L.Yaksh, M.Marsala and T.Ibuki: "Release of glutamate during opioid exposure" Pain Forum. (in press). (1999)
[文献書誌] Y.Matsumoto, S.Hayashi, T.Ibuki, M.Tanaka, Y.Tanaka and Y.Tbata: "Morphological and functional rctes of macrophargos and Destganglionic sympathetic fibers in dorsal root gnglions of a rat ncuropathic pain model" Subnission.
[文献書誌] T.Ibuki, M.Marsala and T.L.Yaksn: "General ancsthesia inhibits the release of spinal amino acids and prostoglendin E_2 and precipitated withchcowal in inorphine" Submission.