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[文献書誌] Katayama,H.: "A Workload balancing procedore for product design processes and its application" International Journal of Vehicle Design. Vol.21,No.1. 70-88 (1999)
[文献書誌] Hiraki,S.,Ishii,K.and Katayama,H.: "Analysis of a global production and supply system for the automobile repair parts under stochastic transpcrtation lead time" Proc,of the 2nd Asia Pecifion Decision Science Institute Meeting. 505-512 (1998)
[文献書誌] Hiraki,S.,Ishii,K.and Katayama,H.: "Designing of a global production and supply system for the automobile repair parts" Proc.of the 1998 Pacific Couference on Manufacturing. 7-12 (1998)
[文献書誌] Hiraki,S.,Ishii,K.and Katayama,H.: "Prodoction-distribution planning for the international co-operative global complementary production systems" Proc.of the 4th China-Japan Internationa Symposium on Indostrial Management. CD-ROM. 6 pages full paper in (1998)
[文献書誌] Katayama,H.and Hiraki,S.: "A vehicle production-logistics system for ASZAN-Japan region:its impact to countries' indostrial stractuves" Proc.of the 1st Korea-Japan Joint Confereuce on Industrial Eugineering and Management. 66-72 (1998)