[文献書誌] J,Ishihara: "Conversion of Prelaureatin into Laurallene,a Bramo Allene Comporuds,by Enzyinatic and Chemical Bi-cino-Ether ification Reactions" Tetrahedron. 53・25. 8371-8382 (1997)
[文献書誌] J.Ishihara: "Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Synngolide 1,a Nonproteinacesus Elicitor" Tetrahedron. 53・47. 16029-14040 (1997)
[文献書誌] N.Kanoh: "Synthetic Stady on Azadrachtin:Asymmetric Synthesis of the Tetracyclic Decalin Part of Azadirachitin" SYNLETT. No.6. 737-739 (1997)
[文献書誌] T.Sugimoto: "The First Construction of the B,C,D-ning Fragment of Pinnatoyins via Highly Stereocontrolled Acetlization" Tetrahedron Letters. 38・42. 7379-7382 (1997)
[文献書誌] J.Ishihara: "Total Synthesis of(-)-Verrucarol,a Componeut of Naturally Occuning Verrucarin A" Tetrahedron Letters.38・48. 8311-8314 (1997)
[文献書誌] J.Ishihara: "Synthetic Study on Gymnodinine:Highly Stoeosclectire Construction of Substituted Tetrahycho feeron and Cycheheyene Meieties" SYNLETT. No.12. 1417-1419 (1997)