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[文献書誌] 渡辺富夫,大久保雅史: "コミュニケーションにおける引き込み-音声のON-OFFに基づく頷き反応モデル-" 情報処理学会第56回全国大会講演論文集(4). 4-15-4-16 (1998)
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[文献書誌] Tomio Watanabe, Masashi Okubo: "Evaluation of the Entrainment Between a Speaker's Burst-Pause of Speech and Respiration and a Listener's Respiration in Face-to-Face Communication" Proc.of the 6th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication. 392-397 (1997)
[文献書誌] Masashi Okubo, Tomio Watanabe: "Sensory Evaluation of the Preference of 3D Shape in Virtual and Real Environments" Proc.of the 6th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication. 460-464 (1997)
[文献書誌] 黒田勉,渡辺富夫: "色彩画像処理による顔色の分析と合成" 日本機械学会論文集(C編). 63・608. 1255-1260 (1997)