[文献書誌] 内藤 衛亮: "日本における情報政策の一側面と標準化課題" 学術情報センター紀要 (学術情報センター). 第11号. 1-16 (1999.03.30(予定))
[文献書誌] NAITO Eisuke: "Development towards GH/GIS in Japan" Monthly Lecture Meeting on Japan, held by Japan Foundation, Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday February 23.1999. 30 (1999.02.23)
[文献書誌] NAITO Eisuke: "One Aspect of Information Policy of Japan and Standardisation Tasks." International Seminar on “Information Provision-Policies and Strategy" organised by bibliothekarische Auslandesstelle, Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut, held at Akademie Frankenwarte, Wurzburg, Germany, June 28-July 3,1998. 16 (1998.06.28)
[文献書誌] NAITO Eisuke: "Multi-lingual IT standardization : a regional cooperative activity." 10th International Conference on New Information Technology '98 (NTT '98), 24-26 March 1998,Hanoi, Vietnam, Ching-chih CHEN ed.,MicroUse Information. West Newton, MA,.USA.ISBN 0-931555-12-4 ; ISBN 1053-6973. 163-171 (1998.03.24-26)
[文献書誌] 内藤衛亮,越塚美加,井上如: "メディアシー一使命と方向性" 学術情報センター紀要 (学術情報センター). 第10号(1998. 03). 1-8 (1998.03)