[文献書誌] B.R.Oppenheimer,Nakajima T. et al.: "Coronagraphic Survey for Companions of Staro within 8pc"to appear in Astron,J.. (2001)
[文献書誌] Nakajima T.& Matsuhara H.: "Sensitivity of an Imaging Space Infrared Interferometer"Applied Optics. 40. 514-526 (2001)
[文献書誌] Nakajima T. et al: "Infrared Star Count Models and Their Application to the Subaru Deep Field"Astron,J.. 120. 2488-2495 (2000)
[文献書誌] Nakajima T.: "Future Studies of Brown Dwarfs from Space"Advances in Space Research. 25. 2225-2232 (2000)
[文献書誌] Nakajima Y,Tamura M,Oasa Y,& Nakajima T.: "A Near-Infrared Imaging Survey of the Lupus 3 Dark Cloud : A Modest Cluster of Low Mass Pre-Main-Sequence Stars"Astron.J.. 119. 873-881 (2000)