[文献書誌] 田川聖治: "距離に基づく遺伝アルゴリズムの構築法"電気学会論文誌,電子・情報・システム部門誌. 118・12. 1778-1785 (1998)
[文献書誌] Kiyoharu Tagawa: "Distance based hybrid genetic algorithm for symmetric and asymmetric TSP"Beijing Mathematics. 4・2. 42-49 (1998)
[文献書誌] Kiyoharu Tagawa: "Detection of affordance for environmental discrimination by an intelligent robot using a GA"Proc.of 2nd Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems. 55-61 (1998)
[文献書誌] Kiyoharu Tagawa: "Destance based hybrid genetic algorithm:an apphication to the graph coloring problem"Proc.of Congress Evolutionary Computation. 2325-2332 (1999)
[文献書誌] 田川聖治: "遺伝的アルゴリズムとアフォーダンスを用いた知的ロボットの創発"日本ロボット学会誌. 17・7. 1023-1030 (1999)
[文献書誌] Kiyoharu Tagawa: "Direct inverse kinematics using fast interval bisection method and its automatic programming"Proc.of 9th Int.Conference on Advanced Robotics. 497-502 (1999)
[文献書誌] Jin Woo Park: "Capturing a moving object using an active camera mounted on a mobile robot"Proc.of 5th Int.Symp.on Artificial Life and Robotics. 609-612 (2000)
[文献書誌] Kiyoharu Tagawa: "Emergent design of optimal postures for mobile manipulators by using a JAVA interactive GA"Proc.of 5th Int.Symp.on Artificial Life and Robotics. 104-107 (2000)
[文献書誌] 田川聖治: "遺伝アルゴリズム枠組としたメタ戦略の構築法"計測自動制御学会論文集. 35・11. 1355-1362 (1999)
[文献書誌] 田川聖治: "高速区間二分法による非線形方程式の全解探索とロボットアームの逆運動学問題への適用"電気学会論文誌,電子・情報・システム部門誌. 120・4(掲載予定). (2000)