[文献書誌] Masaru Aniya: "Analysis of the Bond Ionicity in Solids: Searching a Guideline for the Design of New Superionic Conducting Materials" Physics Reports of Kumamoto University. 10・2. 161-171 (1998)
[文献書誌] Masaru Aniya: "Speculations About Bonding and Electronic Properties of Liquid Silver Chalcogenides" Physics Reports of Kumamoto University. 10・2. 173-183 (1998)
[文献書誌] Masaru Aniya,Kunio Wakamura: "Effective Number of Valence Electrons in α- and β-AgI" Solid State Ionics: Science & Technology, Ed. B.V.R.Chowdari et al., World Sientific. 43-47 (1998)
[文献書誌] Masaru Aniya: "Interpretation of the Anomalous Electronic Properties ofLiquid Silver Chalcogenides from a Model of Superionic Conductos" Solid State Ionics: Science & Technology, Ed. B.V.R.Chowdari et al., World Sientific. 57-61 (1998)
[文献書誌] Masaru Aniya: "Interatomic Force Constants and Localized Effective Charges inCopper Halides" Solid State Ionics: Science & Technology, Ed. B.V.R.Chowdari et al., World Sientific State Ionics. (印刷中). (1999)